Welcome to my 100th Blog Post!! On January 18, 2011, I introduced my first post into the food blogging world. I remember being very excited about sharing my thoughts with you. When I started my blog I had said, “That you would find plenty of family stories and recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Family, Food and Love seems to tie it all together very nicely, that you can’t have one without the other and I will also share stories of my life growing up in my Italian family.” Now, at 100 posts I think I have overwhelmed myself as well as you, my readers. “Family Plus Food Equals Love,” I think has taken on its own personally. It has evolved from a small personal blog into a great deal of information, research, plus family stories, and a wonderful source for finding delicious simple recipes.
I get great pleasure from writing this blog as it gives me the opportunity to share with you my readers two of my loves and that is; writing and my family recipes. Your inspiration and willingness to continue to read my words are very encouraging. I had no idea that people from across the world would welcome my writing. I originally thought that my readers would be just my friends and relatives, but I had no idea that my blog has been viewed over 24,400 times (and counting) plus 126 countries. Out of that 24,400 people more than half are coming back to read my posts every week. You all are just amazing!
With that being said, I need to say “Thank You” to all of my readers, here in the United States and also to my International readers as well. I have to say a special Thank You to my new foodie friends who post comments and suggestions. Finally to my friends, family, and my mom (Madeline) in particular who has given me encouragement and shared the recipes of our family members. There is also a special friend who I have to say “thanks” to and that is Daniela. If it wasn’t for her effortless help in teaching me many new computer skills, I don‘t know how I would have posted many of my stories and photos.
I am honored to share with you an award that I received from Raquel, of eRecipe.com. I was chosen as “Chef of the Week” (June 8 to June 14, 2012) Thanks Raquel. I was also very thrilled that two of my friends Christine and Jodie presented me with Blog Awards. Thanks, to my very thoughtful friends.
My top blog was on May 6, 2011. It was my post on “Happy Mother’s Day: la festa della Mamma” and the recipe is an “Italian Frittata”. http://familyplusfoodequalslove-dottie.blogspot.com/2011/05/happy-mothers-day-la-festa-della-mamma.html My readers seemed to really love this recipe especially in Italy. My Flag counter views showed me that 310 new visitors and a total of 862 people read this post for that day alone. Totally amazing! Thank you!
I thought it would be fun to go back and revisit my three top blogs and the recipes that I posted with them.
My second top blog post was on December 13, 2011. This was, “12 Days of Christmas Day 1” and my recipe is called “Struffoli”. http://familyplusfoodequalslove-dottie.blogspot.com/2011/12/12-days-of-christmas-day-1-struffoli.html I had posted one story and recipe for each day of the 12 days of Christmas. This was much fun to share my family recipes especially at Christmas, which is my favorite time of the year. Struffoli are towers of little fried dough balls that taste like tiny pillows of bliss covered with sweet honey and candy sprinkles. My readers loved this blog post and I’m sure many made this recipe for their holiday table.
My third, top blog post was on October 13, 2011 and it was a story about the “Eurochocolate in Perugia, Italy & Easy Chocolate Cream Filled Torte”. http://familyplusfoodequalslove-dottie.blogspot.com/2011/10/eurochocolate-in-perugia-italy-easy.html The recipe that I added is so decadent and very easy to make. This was a big hit with my readers especially anything made with chocolate.
I do hope that you try all my recipes and continue to enjoy reading my blog. Please feel free to post comments or suggestions at any time. Thanks for following me and here’s to the next 100 posts!
Till Next Time………..
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