Friday, May 31, 2013

"Texas Hot Dog Sauce" Recipe & "Hot Air Balloon Rally"

1983 Balloon Rally
It’s Hot here on Long Island, in the 90’s, so time to get out and enjoy the summer time weather. Look up, it’s a bird, no it's a plane, no it’s a Hot Air Balloon! Wednesday, June 5th is "National Hot Air Balloon Day". The oldest successful human carrying flight dates back to 1783. The “Montgolfier” brothers developed a standard hot air balloon known as Montgolfier balloons. Their first public flight demonstration was an unmanned flight lasting 10 minutes, followed later within the year by manned fights. In today’s modern world hot air ballooning is a sight to see at festivals and rally’s across the country. Sometimes there maybe hot air balloon rides at these events, where you can go up, up, and away in the skies, and experience a world above the earth! Depending on the balloon size, balloon operators can now carry from two to ten passengers at a time. These balloons have traditional shapes, but also have been adapted to cartoon characters, different forms, and are even made to advertise certain products.
Wellsville, NY 1983

Years ago I lived in a small town called, Wellsville, located in the Southern Tier of New York State. Wellsville is one of those little villages that you always hear about when people talk about iconic small-town life. It's the kind of place that time forgot about and a place that Norman Rockwell would have painted if he had the chance. Every year they have, “The Great Wellsville Balloon Rally”. I remember when we lived in the town, one of the perks to the Balloon Rally was that if one of the balloons would have to land for some reason on your property, the owners of the balloon would present you with a bottle of champagne. We never had that opportunity, but the tradition still exits today. From where we lived in a valley you could see them flying above the house over through the mountain areas in the early morning. Such a beautiful, slow, and peaceful sight.

Myself, Paul my son, & my dad  (1983)
In the summer of 1983 my parents came up for a visit and we attended the balloon rally that year. I remember the festival not only had the balloons, plus a parade in town. An awesome sight to see was early in the morning, going to the field and watching the balloons on the ground, being brought back to life. They start flat on the ground and then it starts to fill up or get fired which is what gives it the air. It does take a while, but when they are up and ready to fly, it is breathtaking to see! The 2013 Rally (38th year) will take place from July 19 - July 21. These Hot Air Balloon festivals are all around the country, if you haven’t seen this impressive sight check one out. Remember to look up, there maybe a balloon over your house someday.

Texas Hot
After our days activities at the Balloon Rally, we used to go to a restaurant in town called “Texas Hot”. The Texas Hot first opened its doors back in 1921, by Greek immigrants. The owners are in their third to fourth family generation and have kept the restaurant the same through all these years. This legendary restaurant always gets a 4 and a half stars, but it is world famous for their hot dogs smothered in “Texas Hot” sauce which is a cross between a spicy Texas Chili and a Sloppy Joe. The sauce is thin but full of meat and it poured on everything including burgers, fries, and baked potatoes. Many people have tried to duplicate the sauce, but no one has been able to as of yet. My recipe this week is my rendition of this famous, legendary sauce. Once you have eaten this Texas Hot sauce, it will be a mouthwatering experience you will never forget! Between the onions and all the spiciness of the ingredients your hot dogs will be an explosion in your mouth. So, get out and see a balloon rally and try my recipe, or if you are in the Wellsville area, please check out one of my favorite places to eat; “The Texas Hot Restaurant.”
"Texas Hot Dog Sauce" 

Texas Hot Dog Sauce

1/4 cup of unsalted butter
1/2 cup of sweet chopped onions
1 lb of lean ground beef
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1/2 cup of finely chopped sweet onion
Hot dogs grilled
Hot dog buns steamed
Yellow mustard
Texas Hot Sauce

Place hot dogs in steamed buns and top with yellow mustard, then Texas Hot Sauce, and top with chopped onions. Serve immediately.

Directions:In medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add onions and sauté till soft but not browned. Then add ground beef, spices, and mix well. Add enough water to just cover the mixture. Simmer mixture over low heat. Stirring occasionally until meat is cooked and sauce thickens about 30 minutes. Yield: 3 cups

Till Next Time………………………………................

Copyright © 2013 “Family Plus Food Equals Love” All Rights Reserved


  1. thank you my husband grew up in Ellicottville n.y. and we would drive way to Wellsville just to get a texas hot we now live in fl. and he is failing fast he keeps talking about Wellsville texas hots he can not go to n.y. so I'll bring n.y. to him thanks to you God Bless

    1. I can't wait to try this recipe! We WNY'ers are good people! Thank you for sharing!!

    2. My parents, 2 brothers, and myself would go to Wellsville, ny on our way to my grandparents' house. It was not rare that we would order 20 dogs at a time! Mom also would buy the sauce to take home. We all met there a few years back on our way to Bemus Point, NY!

  2. On my 2nd batch and love it! This time, I didn’t have ground beef so I used hot Italian sausage and that extra heat is great. I did reduce the cloves to 1/4 tspn. Tastes wonderful, full depth of flavor and delicious over hot dogs or burgers. Thanks so much!

  3. Picture of store front is correct. Recipe is not.

  4. Allspice is in the receipe along with more

    1. That’s probably why the cinnamon nutmeg and cloves. It mimics allspice

  5. Maybe it right but I know the allspice is right many times you can taste it

  6. The recipe is wrong!!!!

  7. I have the original recipe from my wife's great grandfather from Greece.1934 Olean NY.

  8. I’m from oleander used to eat at hastas all the time Jim owned it I’m in Florida now and can’t find anything like it
